It’s been about a year since many of us quickly transitioned from an office to a work-from-home setting due to COVID-19. We quickly packed up our cubicle or shared desk space and began working from our couch, kitchen table or makeshift desk. This work-from-home lifestyle has us spending more time on our digital devices, especially people who are trying to help kids with online schooling, on top of their own work.

Extra time on digital devices isn’t always a good thing because of the blue light emitted. If you’re unfamiliar with blue light, it’s the range of light with the highest amount of energy in the visible light spectrum (the light we can see). Modern devices like smartphones, tablets and computer monitors all emit blue light. While historically we’ve gotten our daily dose of blue light from the sun, our increased exposure to blue light from these modern devices has been linked to the onset of digital eye strain.

VSP network doctor, Jennifer Tsai, OD, notes that after blue light enters your eyes it scatters causing your eyes to have to work harder to focus the scattered light. In other words, your eyes are putting in overtime daily which can contribute to digital eye strain and not-so-fun symptoms like headaches, blurred vision and dry eyes.

Reduce Your Blue Light Exposure While Working

If you spend two or more hours a day in front of a screen, a blue-light-reducing anti-reflective coating, such as TechShield® Blue, on your eyeglass lenses could be helpful. TechShield Blue is a next-generation anti-reflective coating that filters and reflects the specific blue light wavelengths associated with digital eye strain. This near-clear coating is a great choice for people who work on computers or other digital devices all day.

If you work outdoors, or spend your days going from inside to outside and back again, light-reactive lenses like SunSync® Elite or SunSync Elite XT might be a better fit. These lenses offer convenience, comfort and the confidence of targeted blue light filtration. Outdoors, these lenses quickly darken, ramping up the defense against blue light and UV rays from the sun. Indoors, these ultra-responsive lenses quickly return to clear, but the blue light defense remains.

Visit your VSP network doctor if you’re concerned about blue light exposure and digital eye strain to find a solution that works best for you.

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